• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


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  • Andrew Cuomo is still fibbing about his deadly COVID nursing-home order

Andrew Cuomo is still fibbing about his deadly COVID nursing-home order

Four years after ordering COVID-positive patients into New York nursing homes, Andrew Cuomo’s excuses for that fateful mistake have gotten older but no better. He’s still relying on arguments that…

Australia information reside: welfare teams urge Albanese to axe stage-three tax cuts; greatest ‘collapse’ in full-time jobs since top of Covid | Australia information

Reform or repeal stage-three tax cuts: Acoss Paul Karp The Australian Council of Social Providers (Acoss) has written to the Albanese authorities urging it to reform or repeal stage-three tax…

Hydroxychloroquine might have prompted 17,000 deaths throughout COVID, research finds – POLITICO

Almost 17,000 folks might have died after taking hydroxycholoroquine through the first wave of COVID, based on a research by French researchers. The anti-malaria drug was prescribed to some sufferers…

China GDP: Economy shakes off Covid legacy to grow 4.5% in Q1

Hong Kong CNN  —  China’s economy got off to a solid start in 2023, as consumers went on a spending spree after three years of strict pandemic restrictions ended. Gross…