• Sun. Jun 16th, 2024


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  • Dem Lawmaker Offers Ted Cruz Painful Regulation Faculty Reminder: ‘Everybody Hated You’

Dem Lawmaker Offers Ted Cruz Painful Regulation Faculty Reminder: ‘Everybody Hated You’

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) has a Wiener downside. The conservative lawmaker appeared to confuse California state Sen. Scott Wiener (D) with disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) in an insult…

Senate holds worldwide threats listening to with prime intelligence, regulation enforcement officers testifying

Senate holds worldwide threats listening to with prime intelligence, regulation enforcement officers testifying – CBS Information Watch CBS News U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials are testifying before the Senate…

Biden weighs asylum crackdown via identical regulation as Trump journey ban

Biden weighs asylum crackdown via identical regulation as Trump journey ban – CBS Information Watch CBS News President Biden is considering cracking down on asylum claims at the southern border…

Defend NATO from Donald Trump? The U.S. Congress simply handed that into regulation

This merchandise is a part of Watching Washington, an everyday dispatch from CBC Information correspondents reporting on U.S. politics and developments that have an effect on Canadians. What’s new Trump-proof…